We Help You Create Additional Streams of Income So You Can Retire on Your Own Terms
Personalized Teacher Retirement System Analysis
We provide personalized TRS calculations based on your specific and unique information
403b / Roth 403b Retirement Planning
We create employer retirement plans for non-profit organizations such as Public Education, Hospitals, Churches, etc.
Life Insurance
We help you protect your family with an appropriate Death Benefit that also includes Living Benefits in the case Terminal, Chronic or Critical Illness.
Tax-Free Income Strategies
We help you determine if utilizing permanent life insurance that generates tax-free income is appropriate for your retirement portfolio.
IRA / Roth IRA Retirement Planning
We help you take advantage of tax favorable retirement strategies in addition to employer provided retirement plans.
Rollovers, Transfers and Exchanges
We help you consolidate retirement accounts from previous employers, as well as determine if current accounts can be out-performed.
Partial Lump Sum Option (PLSO)
We help you calculate and determine if the PLSO is right for your financial situation at retirement, and if so, which option to take advantage of.
457b Deferred Compensation Plan
We create and assist in administering deferred compensation strategies for non-profit organizations such as Public Education, Municipalities, Police and Fire Departments, etc.